Saturday, February 9, 2013

MCAS Iwakuni, Japan.....Our next Journey

MCAS Iwakuni, Japan

This is where we now call HOME!  WOW Japan!  How crazy is that!  It has been four weeks since we stepped foot into another country.  And let me tell you something.....when we traveled off base we were definitely hit with culture shock.  I think it helped that we wanted to come here but I have to tell you it has been an adjustment for us all.  For me I can't just hop in the car and go shopping to Target or Walmart or go out to dinner and eat Cheese Fries.....AMBERRRRRRR....I miss our shopping and eating!! WAHHHHH!!!  No but really that has been an adjustment.  I think this will help us save LOTS of money so hey when I come back to the states a huge shopping spree will be in order!  :)  For the boys it hasn't been so much of a culture shock but they have had a little bit of a harder time adjusting to a new school and being so far away from their friends in SC.  I don't blame them though b/c I miss my friends in SC as well.  Matthew though has really just truly enjoyed it.  He is such an awesome kid and for a teenager having to move half-way thru his freshman year this kid hasn't missed a beat.  THANK GOODNESS for the small things right?!  So as I said in our last blog it didn't take very long for us to get a house on base.  And we were SUPER lucky to get a 4 bedroom "renovated" townhouse.  Having three kids and a dog helped us out....along with it not being the busy PCS season.  The hard part was finding a car quickly.  I wanted a cool japanese looking cube car but all we could find was a van.  Guess what....for $2400 I really don't care.  haha.  This will be the FIRST and LAST time you will see this woman driving a van though.  And if/when I get a job I might just upgrade to a cool japanese looking vehicle.  The SOFA driving test was pretty easy.  I have to brag....I missed ZERO questions on my 100 question test and I think Justin missed like 5 or 6 on his 60 question test.  Just goes to show who is the smart one.  "THIS GIRL"  No really though I'm glad we were both able to get our license.  Now learning to drive on the wrong side of the road and on the wrong side of the car has been an adjustment.  You go to get into the wrong side of the car and turn on your windshield wipers when you want to turn.  It all comes with the territory though.  I think we've both got the driving part down pat.  So with the house, the kids in school, Justin back to work, and me looking for a job these first few weeks have flown by.





Communication:  So we've learned how to FaceTime/Skype with all of our family and friends back home.  And we have this wonderful app called KIK so we can text for FREE.  If you download it my screen name is jenncarr79.  I need Justin to download it and sign up as well.  I promise I will get on him about that.  That makes communicating easy and it's nice to talk to the family and friends.

Out and About:  Well we've ventured out a few times and each time it has been pretty cool.  The major thing we just did was we went to the Kintai Bridge and Iwakuni Castle this past weekend.  You pay to cross the bridge and go up this ropeway tram and walk the castle grounds and go up into the castle.  It was just beautiful and amazing if you ask me.  It was nice to walk around and see some of the cool sights.  Of course Mr. Andrew has to complain the whole time about walking and being bored.  Maybe we should've left him back in Missouri with his grandma.  :)  Okay just kidding but really even though he was complaining we all still had fun.  After the bridge we made our way to this place called the Chicken Shack.  We had heard all about it and after getting lost and ending up in a rice field we finally found the place.  We had to take our shoes off and sit on the floor to eat our food.  It was the most japanese type place we had been to.  I have to say that I was a little overwhelmed by all of it.  I thought at any moment I could've burst into tears b/c it is really hard to adjust to people not understanding you and trying to convey what you want to eat.  They did have an English menu so that made it a little bit easier.  It's all about just going with it and we are getting better at that as we go.  I've had two ladies take me out into town on shopping sprees to grab some things and show me around a little bit.  They have made it so much LESS scary for me and I'm very thankful for that.  I was able to try out this amazing Indian restaurant called Ganesh and I fell in love.  YUMMY.  I visited what they call a Daiso or 100 Yen store....kinda like a $1 store but cooler.  They seriously have EVERYTHING. I love it.  And me and Justin have found the "Home Depot" of Iwakuni called Nafco.  Now he can continue to make me awesome stuff!  :)





Other STUFF:  So we are still waiting for our stuff from the States.  We were able to pack an express shipment with some stuff but we are still waiting for our beds, clothes, kitchen stuff, etc.  They gave us loaner furniture so that's nice and helps BUT I am so ready for our regular stuff to get here already.  Hopefully in the next few weeks.  That will give me something to do at home while everyone is working and at school.  :)  I've applied for a few jobs and I'm hoping to hear back for an interview soon.  One job is with Marine Corps Family Team Building where I actually worked for in SC for the past 3 years so I'm hoping that gives me a leg up on the competition.  I would be the Family Readiness and Deployment Support trainer.  It's a job I would LOVE to have and I know I would be great at it so that's the job I have my fingers crossed for.  I've also decided to go back to school for my Master's degree.  I've thrown a few different options out there but for now I'm really interested in going to MU for Human Development and Family Studies.  It would fit perfect into what I love doing and that is taking care of other people.  :)  Now hopefully I can get some grant money and scholarships b/c my pocketbook doesn't like the pricetag very much at this moment.  :)  Other then that we are just truckin' along in Japan.  We plan on doing and going to a lot of places while we are stationed here in Japan.  Justin's hours at work have ROCKED and it is nice having him around more now that we are done with the drill field.  Hope you enjoyed the blog and pictures.  Keep on the lookout for the next entry and here is our new address if you want to send us any goodies.  :)

Love the Carr family

Our Address:

The Carr Bunch
PSC 561 Box 1307
FPO AP 96310

Our trip home for the holidays and then off to Japan!!

WHEW!!  So we've been in Japan for about a month now!!  CRAZY I say!!  So I'm gonna back track a little bit and talk about our trip home to Missouri for Christmas and then move right along to the flight here to Japan!

Home for the Holidays......So we departed Parris Island on December 21st to make our way home to Missouri for the holidays before embarking on our journey to Japan.  Let's see....the dog threw up a few times, the kids were asking when are we gonna be there every few hours, and we were pulling a u-haul behind our Suburban!  Justin drove the WHOLE way to Missouri. He really must love put up with me because for one I hate driving and two we were pulling a trailer.  Have you seen me drive??!!  Probably a good idea he drove the whole way.  In Missouri we were able to visit with most of our family.  My mother and father-in-laws house was our first stop.  We were able to spend Christmas with Justin's brother Jake and his family and my sister-in-law Megan and her family.  We were finally able to meet our newest nephew Ryan!!  He is SO adorable and cuddly.  I miss him already.  Then we were off to my mom and dad's house in Linn where we got to see the whole Ruettgers crew, which was nice.  I'm so lucky my mom married into Paul's family.  They are amazing.  I have the best step-dad ever!  We were able to see my sister Rita while we were there as well.  Then we made it to Megan and Brad's house where we got to cuddle with Ryan some more.  A few days later we moved on to my sister Sandra and Trent's house.  I got to see my nephew Dade there.  Boy has he grown.  He is such a happy baby and I love him so much.  We rang in the new year with my sister and bro-in-law in Kansas City!  We had a blast that's for sure. I even got Justin out to dance.  :)  See he does love me.  Here we sold our Suburban to CarMax (they rock by the way).  Then we headed back to the in-laws until our time was up.  Justin's cousin (my friend) Sarah came to visit with her girls and Justin's Aunt Dorothy.  It was so nice to see them and spend time with them before we headed overseas.  We've already talked about meeting up in Hawaii next year!  :)  It feels like we were in Missouri forever but really not long enough.  It was an awesome trip. I have to say Thank you to everyone who let us stay with them while we were there.  I didn't have to cook or clean or do anything.  It was a nice relaxing time for sure and we valued all the family time we were able to spend with everyone.





Our travels out to Japan.....So on January 8th we embarked on our trip out to Japan.  We flew right out of Springfield, MO which was awesome since that is where my in-laws live.  Now we had to take two cars to fit all of us and all of our shit luggage to include the dog as well!  I'm actually surprised we all made it here with everything and everyone.  Our first stop was Seattle, WA where we decided to have a layover that included a whole day so we could sight-see.  So Wednesday we ventured out into Seattle and went out to the Space Needle.  It was very cool to see a historical landmark like that.  The next day we had to be up SUPER early.  And by SUPER early I mean like we left the hotel at 1:30 am.  We wanted to make sure we were at the airport early so we could get the dog settled and all of our stuff loaded.  Again we had to haul all of our stuff from the hotel to the airport.  So I thought the kids would be an issue for us while we were flying...I mean they are kids and it was a long flight but guess what??  They did amazing!  I'm so proud of them.  Of course the kids and even Justin can fall asleep any where but I have a hard time sleeping in a car or plane.  So needless to say when we actually landed in Japan I just wanted to go to sleep.  They make you sit through a little brief and then our sponsor was there to pick us up and help us get to where we needed to go.  That was a FIASCO all in itself so we won't even get into that.  We made it to the hotel and the dog made it to the kennel.  :)  That's all that matters.  So our living arrangements were a two bedroom temporary lodging hotel.  It had a fridge and kitchen area and that was awesome.  We got food and got settled.  We learned the bus system on base very quickly and walked a lot in the COLD.  Have I mentioned I hate being cold?  Moving in the winter is no fun.  haha.  But at least it wasn't hot and humid right?  So timeline- we arrived late on a Friday, had our welcome aboard on Monday, enrolled the boys in school on Thursday, took our SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) drivers test on Friday, bought our Iwakuni van on Saturday, and moved into our house on Tuesday!  Talk about a crazy week and a half.  Needless to say we made it!!!
Time to Travel Maverick


  Flying into Japan

Iwakuni Van....Pimpin' it up in Japan

Okay so that was our trip home to visit and our trip out to Japan!  The next blog will have our whole first month in Japan and ouadventures so far!  Thanks for reading.  We love and miss you all.