So now where to start!!! So much has happened over the past almost 4 years. What I can say is WE MADE IT!! So let me tell you a little about what I love about this area. Beaufort, SC is a beautiful place to live. From the moment we drove onto Parris Island I was in love. The spanish moss hanging from the trees, the palm trees lining the roadway, and the pelicans flying all around. Parris Island of course has its downfall....BUGS....sand fleas or palmetto bugs......BUT you still fall in love with this place.
I was lucky when I first arrived on Parris Island. Anne Doty was my FRO over at 2d BN. She quickly became one of my best friends, mentor, and all time supporter. I jumped on the crazy train and started to volunteer with Family Readiness and the LINKS program at MCFTB. It gave me something to do and getting involved was the best thing that ever happened to me. It led to me getting my amazing job within MCFTB as the Administrative Specialist. I was able to accomplish so much in the nearly three years working there. The friendships made, the mentors who I will forever look up to, and the growth opportunity was amazing. I can't thank my boss Dee enough for giving me that opportunity. It was hard to say goodbye to all of the amazing ladies that I worked with there.
Next on is to all of my friends! WOW I don't even know where to start. I don't want to single anyone out really because everyone has there own special place within my life and heart for very different reasons. But I can tell you that Tana, Kori, Christina, Isabel, Brittany, Hillary, Mandy, McCall, Ashley, Andie, and Jimmy are all very close to my heart and will continue to be good friends for years to come. There are a few though that have been a constant in my life and we will continue to be lifelong friends. ANNE and Mr. Landon of course. Anne was my first friend and someone who I value as a lifelong friend. Not only do we have kids the same age they are like brothers. Landon is and will always be like my 4th son. My boys love him to death and miss him dearly. Anne is someone that I know I can always count on. No matter what I can tell her about anything and she will be there to listen to me and not judge. I'm incredibly happy for her and her new journey and I know she will be one of the first people I visit when we get back to the states. I love you Anne!!! And my bestest friend Amber. I could make a whole blog just on our friendship. We are two peas in a pod! She is the one person that probably knows every single thing about me. I love her like my sister.....wait better than my sister. :) She is everything to me. We've had some fun days and nights together. Shenanigans! haha! Dinners and shopping.....late night everything. We have nicknames.....LMAO. I just can't say enough how much I love my Amber. We will definitely be friends forever and then some. I love you Amber!!
Okay now on to a few things I loved. My hair lady Jennifer at Halo Salon. If you live in Beaufort you HAVE to go to her. She is amazing. I miss her terribly. I had to dye my hair myself the other day. SUCKY! I wish I could fly her out here to be my personal hair lady. I miss my amazing hair. She is almost enough reason to ask to go back to Beaufort after this. :) And then there is my tattoo chick, Emily, at Beauty Marks. She is just amazing. I have some awesome ink on my body that represents my life and she is an amazing artist. I will see her again one day. Of course there are all my coworkers at MCCS. There are a ton of them so I can't mention them all they are just my MCCS family and will always hold a spot in my heart!
Okay well I've been out of South Carolina for almost a month and I miss it a bunch but I'm excited for this new opportunity here in Japan!! We've been here for almost a week and I can tell you right now that I am going to love this place. Be on the lookout for my next blog update later this week. All about our first week in Japan!! Enjoy the photos even though they will not line up straight. Driving me insane but hey here's an update. :)