Do you ever just feel like everything in your life is completely perfect and the way it is suppose to be?! Well lately that is how I have felt. I have an amazing family and things are just GOOD. We are all happy and healthy. I have so many good things to look forward to in this upcoming year. I want to go back to school to get my master's degree. I just have to decide exactly what I want to get it in. I'm thinking Special Education. Teaching is a passion of mine but I want to do more. I want to give back and help children who struggle. So we will see. Also we will be moving to Japan at the end of the year. How exciting is that!?! I can't wait. It is going to be so exciting to move to a different country and experience a totally new culture. I know that it will be hard because we will be away from our family but that is what is super great about the Marine Corps......friends become apart of your extended family!! One thing I am really going to miss about Parris Island is my job. I love what I do so much. My boss is amazing and has definitely spoiled me. No one will ever be able to live up to her that's for sure. I've enjoyed working for Family Team Building so much and all the people of MCCS that I have met over the past few years. It truly is a family!
Keep an eye out for some upcoming blogs on all of the exciting crafts I have been making!! My husband is super crafty with wood so I've had to step up my game lately. I'm pretty proud of all my crafts lately!! :)